Saturday, May 29, 2010


Even though I groused about the cost
and inconvenience
of digging the pond,
I am really glad
Mr. insisted.

One yellow,
one peach

I may just frame one.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

In Bloom

Sometimes it has been suggested
that our garden is like a park
and perhaps we should charge admission.

Pwish-pwash I say!

Enjoy the blooms!

Before the bunnies get them!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Southern Charm

Mr. and I recently visited
St. Simon's Island, GA.

It's lovely there.
You must cross over this bridge.

We saw this old, craggy live oak tree.
It's so romantic.
In fact, it's called "Lover's Oak".
The Native Americans supposedly met there
for romantic rendezvous.

The road splits around the tree.

See this old cemetery?
Soldiers from the North and South are buried there.

I have never seen
Confederate flags on graves before.

I would LOVE to enjoy lemonade on this porch.

I wish my porch oozed this kind of hospitality and grace.

My house doesn't even have a porch.
And my neighborhood association would
NEVER allow such a lovely iron fence.

Suburbia is sucking the charm out of America.