Sunday, June 19, 2011


Sister Too is desperate to plan an instrument.

She has been planning for a year.
In OH she gets to play in 6th grade.

Unfortunately for her,
in PA, the kids start in 3rd grade.
So, the 6th graders are already several years ahead of her.

Luckily, she has a SUPER mom,
who spent no fewer than 4 hours,
calling 12 different places
to find a rental, 
68 miles away.

These were taken within the first four minutes of ownership:

And, like all our favorite things: 

It is from France!

SO, we are looking for a music teacher!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new violin! Tiffany played the violin and I played the cello growing up. Wish I still new how.
